
Revisionist History from a Female Perspective


Revisionist History from a Female Perspective


Revisionist History from a Female Perspective

Khawlah 600 x 600
If you were born anywhere west of Turkey, you’ve probably never heard of her. If you’re of Arab descent, Khawlah bint al-Azwar is as famous as Joan of Arc and pretty much for the same reason. Fundamentalist Muslim women aren’t generally encouraged to show initiative outside the home.
Cinderella 600 x 600
Having recently plowed through every episode of The Crown, I witnessed several generations of British crowned heads get hitched. This experience led me to contemplate the public fascination with royal weddings.
Chicago Gilded house 600 x 600
When I first started writing my Gilded Age Chicago Mysteries over two decades ago, I was only sure of one thing. The books were going to be set in Chicago at the turn of the twentieth century. I foolishly thought that since I am a Chicago native, I was following the adage to “write what you know.”
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